The Biblical Worldview Training Manual
When it comes to the Gospel (the greatest truth anyone could ever know), God left us a perfect systematic theology of evangelism that cannot be improved by any man or man-made institution. Anyone can learn how to share God’s truth God’s way. And, you do not need to become a scientist, a lawyer, a philosopher, or a Bible scholar in order to become a master soul winner.
This 350-page manual is a comprehensive resource on how to present the Gospel the way Jesus did, what to teach new believers, how to answer the cults (not by arguing doctrine, but by simply asking the right question like Jesus did, it shut their mouths every time) and much, much more! This book is a comprehensive lesson manual designed to equip you to learn (and train others) in the art and science of evangelism.
We have won Muslims, atheists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Nazi’s, and Chicago street-gang members to the Lord with this information! Many seasoned saints have said, “This is the finest training I have ever had!” One pastor said, “I learned more about evangelism after listening to you for three hours than I did in four years of seminary.” Another pastor said, “That was the best explanation of the Trinity I have ever heard.”
This resource is ideal for personal study, sermon preparation, Sunday school lessons, discipleship classes, youth groups, Bible studies, family devotions or, for your own seminar! This would be $39.95 in a Christian bookstore and $89 as a Bible college text book!