Men's Conference

There are men’s conferences and there are men’s conferences. This is the latter!

“I’ve been coming to this men’s conference for ten years and for ten years all we’ve had was feel good and fluff. You’re the first speaker we’ve had that actually challenged us. That is exactly what we needed.”

This is a God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-led men’s conference for men who want to go deeper, grow stronger, and be challenged by the Word of God.

“Philip DelRe was the perfect speaker for our Ironmen’s Advance (real men don’t retreat).  Phil’s combination of humor, real-life experiences and deep insight into biblical truth both challenged and encouraged our men and his ability to take truth from Scripture and present it in a way that is accessible to men, was truly anointed by God.  We were very blessed to have him as our speaker.”

       -Jim Crouter

      Pastor of Men’s Ministry

      Village Church of Barrington, IL

Bold as Lions men's conference


“My son and I attended the Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conference this past March in O’Fallon, IL, where we met you and attended your seminar. As a pastor, I was leading a group of men to the conference, but my real concern was my 18-year-old son who has had some tough challenges in the past year. He has wavered in his faith—questioning what and why he believed. This also spilled over into some poor choices and bad relationships in his life.
“Your seminar was exactly what my son needed! Your dynamic personality and engaging presentation of the Gospel totally connected with my son. He laughed, took notes, and was challenged that the Christian faith was intellectually credible in the secular arena of life!
“He so loved your seminar he wanted me to buy all the resources available (which I happily did!). Since that time, there has been a dramatic change in his life. Unhealthy relationships have been severed and he has a renewed joy and commitment for Christ. I thank God for this timely and sovereign appointment for my son and your ministry. Thank you for being the choice instrument that God used in his life.” Praise the Lord!!!

We have a series of messages that can be adapted to fit a Sunday morning sermon, a Saturday seminar, a men’s conference or a youth rally. One message that God is using in a mighty way is entitled,

The Fear of Man Vs. The Fear of God — How To Get Out out of the Wilderness and into the Promised Land

This is not your typical “cowboy up and do better next time” men’s conference. Speaking the truth in love, often times “men’s conferences” and “youth rallies” are little more than pep-rallies, and have little or no power for real life–change. By God’s grace, we avoid the trap of the man-centered, works righteousness. Our focus is on not just the love of God but the holiness of God.

Another one of our flagship messages is entitled the power of God from Sinai to the cross. Many have said this was the most powerful message they have ever heard! In this message, we do not shun to teach the whole counsel of God.

When it comes to men and men’s conferences, one of our main problems is the fact that we are more concerned with impressing the creature more than the Creator. In Matt. 10:28 Jesus said,

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

We have received e-mails, letters and phone calls from men sharing their testimonies of how God used this message to deliver them from the fear of man to give God His rightful place as Lord in their lives. The impact this ministry has sustained in the lives of men and young people has been extremely encouraging. Many have come out of the closet of fear, and are learning to live lives of lion-hearted boldness for Jesus Christ!

When you’re right about God and you’re right with God, you never have to be intimidated by the world, the flesh, or the devil himself, and it’s okay to get excited about Jesus!

One brother emailed us after attending an Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conference and said,

“God bless you Phil! We men were absolutely blessed by your  presence last Saturday at the Iron Sharpens Iron conference in New Lenox. And what an incredible work of Christ this tract is. I sent out a clarion call to all the Brothers and Sisters on my e-mail list that included your URL and the PDF copy of that tract. It went all over the United States this morning. Thank you!”
—Dave Kent

Here is another letter from a very grateful father who attended a conference with his son,

“I also wanted to share something with you. My 14-year-old son, Jack, attended with me that day. Your seminar really set off a spark in him and he gave his life to Jesus and was baptized on March 13th.”
In Christ, Jim Kerry

This is what happened at a church in Southern Illinois after this sermon,

“Without a doubt Philip DelRe is anointed. When Philip came to our church he spoke on The Fear of Man. The response was tremendous. The Holy Spirit dealt deeply with our hearts and the altar call lasted well over thirty minutes-not by manipulation but by genuine conviction. Philip DelRe and Voice in the Wilderness Ministries is unique, relevant and timely.”
—Todd Greiner, Senior pastor of Community of Faith Church for over 20 years and founder of Church Without Walls in Southern Illinois.

“Invite Phil back next year.”
“Phil is great for motivating us to actively be training for spiritual battle.”
“Great speaker!! Phil challenged us and was a real blessing.”
“Get Phil back next year!”
“Had an amazing time with a powerful word.”
“Gonna be tough to top this one.”

I was privileged to preach this at the Village Church of Lincolnshire. Dr. Robert Coleman, author of the best-selling book, The Master Plan of Evangelism said this,

“My dear brother, that was a word from the Lord. That was a powerful, powerful, message, and I want to thank you for it.”

Philip DelRe has been teaching in men’s conferences and youth rallies across the country and around the world for the last 20 years. His clear, direct, passionate, no-nonsense approach to teaching the whole counsel of God is filled with illustrations and real-life stories that really connect with people. Our passion is to teach God’s people to know why we believe what we believe. This builds a solid foundation for living the Christian life in a non-Christian world.

I leave you with this quote from Francis Shaffer,

“We must recognize that this country is close to being lost. Not first of all because of a humanist conspiracy, but because the Bible believing Christians in the last 40 years who have said that they know that the final reality is this infinite personal God, who is the Creator, they said they have known it, and they have done nothing about it. As the consensus has changed, there has been a vast silence.”

Research shows that 22 Vietnam veterans commit suicide every day. We are working with a brother who has a national ministry (and a very fruitful one) to Vietnam Veterans. He left me this voice mail just a few days ago,

I just opened a Christmas letter from a buddy of mine out in South Carolina. About ¾ of it were quotes from your book, God the Final Frontier, and the response from his 11-year-old grandchild to it. That book is so Biblical and so solid, it’s been months since I ordered a thousand copies of them, and there’s not a week that goes by that I don’t receive a very positive response. So, I’m just so very, very, thankful for how God uses you.  When you get to heaven you’re going to have some high fives from people who are going to say, “Glad to finally meet you, dude!”

If you would like to see the men in your congregation or youth group take a giant step in learning how to live the Christian life with the confidence of a lion, this ministry is right for you.

Contact:  Voice in the Wilderness Ministries today at, 815-547-0765. You can email us at,
Phil has been privileged to speak at hundreds of churches across the country and around the world. He is an annual presenter at many of the Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conferences as well as Districts, a huge youth rally in Green Bay.