What is Sin?

What is Sin?   What is sin? When you tell a person what sin is, the Holy Spirit maximum leverage to do what only He can, convict people of sin and show them their need of Christ (John 16:8). In Matthew chapter five, Jesus revealed the spiritual nature of sin.  A...

Why do atheists hate God

WHY DO ATHEIST HATE GOD (SOMEONE THEY DON’T BELIEVE EXISTS)? The reason the atheist hates God and can’t find Him is the same reason bank-robbers hate policemen! Atheism is actually a crutch for those who can’t bear the thought of identifying...

Why do atheists hate God?

WHY DO ATHEIST HATE GOD (SOMEONE THEY DON’T BELIEVE EXISTS)? The reason the atheist hates God and can’t find Him is the same reason bank-robbers hate policemen! Atheism is actually a crutch for those who can’t bear the thought of identifying...

Moral Truth

MORAL TRUTH AND THE LAW OF GOD WRITTEN ON EVERY MAN’S HEART Moral truth is absolute because God is absolutely morally pure and true. I received a call one day from an organization known as Inner City Impact in Chicago. The man asked me if I would be interested in...

The Old and New Testament prove God is the author

The whole Old Testament was recorded to prepare the way for the Savior to come into the world. In our last post, we began to show how the Old and the New Testaments cannot be correctly understood apart from each other. It helps to know there were 400 years of silence...